portfolio management


Advanced Beta US Equities Fund LP is a long/short equity fund designed to take advantage of domestic and global trends affecting the US equity market.

We are an opportunistic fund that is top-down in nature with an emphasis on both fundamental and technical analysis.

We maintain both moderate risk and high liquidity concept with caps on leverage. We bring over 30 years of business experience to the table; to provide financial solutions and wealth management to our clients worldwide.

consultıng & private wealth management

 Either through Consulting, or through our Portfolio Management via power of attorney; we assist our clients reach short & long financial goals with trading strategies & trade engineering, debt restructuring, and the transfer of risks via swap products.

Points of interests include; Interest Rates, Currencies & the USD, US Equities, US Bonds & Yield Curve, US & The FED, US Politics, US Economic Calendar & Expectations, Market Volatility, VIX & Hedging Techniques, Options & Options Markets, Use of Leverage, Western Europe and Middle East.

ETF universe & Upcomıng projects


We aim to offer our clients exposure to local government debt throughout the Emerging Markets universe. Our model consists of a 2-yr & a 10-yr on-the-run ETF per country, allowing institutional investors to mix and match for intended duration. Our ETF’s are algo’d for pure beta.

For our investors, this translates to insuring the full and uncolored pass through of risks & economics embedded in the underlying, with the added advantage of buying straight through Nasdaq with T+2 settlement, and denominated in USD.

Our vision is to be the #1 go-to for country risk exposure via market neutral strategies.


Our ‘Newsroom+’ page consists of the latest and most popular market related researches. We have gathered and will continue updating this page as relevant data comes along with time. We hope that you enjoy and use our page to its fullest. Lot’s of educational entries and suggestions are available.


We approach education on these worldly matters of finance & economics as a priority. Inducing what we observed and learned throughout the years is of high importance. Securing building blocks from ground up for the bright generations ahead will always be one of ABF’s main objectives. Details of our workshops are available on the Funds page.


A new approach for the enthused; a simplified markets outlook and variegated journalism. Providing all our customers with balanced, equal & diversified market insights. Newsroom, Live Coverage, X, Research & Insights all in one place.

advanced beta app

We are currently developing our ‘AdvancedBeta+’ application for all platforms. The approach is simple and straightforward. Our first goal during this era is to create and gather a new crowd throughout the financial world; where all kinds of investors can benefit and stay in touch as markets forge ahead.

Asset classes

  • Purchasing stocks, also known as equities, entitles you to become a shareholder and purchases a share in a firm. In general, stocks are a better option for long-term investors who can withstand market fluctuations in pursuit of greater returns.

  • Companies and governments issue bonds, usually referred to as fixed income securities, as a means of raising capital. In essence, they are a "I.O.U." that is intended to give a consistent flow of income over a predetermined length of time, usually in the form of a defined amount.

  • Commodity funds, which include investments in commodities like wheat, natural gas, oil, and precious metals like gold and silver, as well as energy resources and agricultural products, can provide investors with a number of advantages, such as portfolio diversification and inflation protection.

  • Alternative investment techniques, including real estate, are less susceptible to fluctuations in international markets than traditional assets, like equities and bonds, which are traded on public markets. An increasing number of investors are turning to alternatives in order to further their objectives.

  • Cash funds are an alternative to think about if you're searching for higher rates of return on deposits than you would obtain in a regular bank account. They frequently make investments in "money market instruments," which are effectively short-term bonds that banks lend to one another.